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Live TV Guide Data not up to date

Use Remote Desktop to connect to the computer:

  1. Open Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)
  2. Select ‘MacServer’ in the list
  3. Choose Interact -> Control

  4. Ensure that the Docker Container is healthy and running

  5. Open Docker Desktop Dashboard by cliching the whale/container ship icon in the taskbar and choosing 'Dashboard'


    1. Click on 'zap2xml'
    2. Ensure there are logs either being streamed:


      or you see the completed message:

      Downloaded 1090062 bytes in 291 http requests using 2 sockets.
      Writing XML file: /data/xmltv.xml
      Completed in 167s (Parse: 164s) 81 stations, 7895 programs, 17063 scheduled.
      Last run time: Fri Mar 11 04:12:49 UTC 2022
      Will run in 43200 seconds

    3. Restart the container

    4. If the container will not run, delete and recreate the Container per Live TV Configuration setup instructions

If container is setup, running, and healthy:

  1. Open the file /Users/Shared/xmltvdata/xmltv.xml with a text editor (preferrably Atom or Visual Studio Code) and see if the file has up to date data.

    1. Find the start of the <programme></programme> block (around line 500), and see that it has data similar to
      <programme start="YYYYMMDD090000 +0000" stop="YYYYMMDD100000 +0000" channel=""> 
      Note the YYYMMDD in start= and stop=, these should be todays date (or very close to it)
  2. If the file does have up to date data but Jellyfin does not have updated data: Open Jellyfin Admin Dashboard (web console) -> Live TV and ensure file is listed under TV Guide Data Providers

  3. If the file is listed: Ensure that the Scheduled Task Live TV / Refresh Guide has run recently, and is scheduled to run every 12 hours
    jellyfin-scheduled-task-refresh-guide.png jellyfin-scheduled-task-refresh-guide-triggers.png